CashtoCode eVoucher CashtoCode eVoucher

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Select currency
‎ INR300
Transaction: ‎ INR17,000

Processing Time

  • CashtoCode eVoucher transactions are processed instantly.


  • Pinnacle absorbs all CashtoCode eVoucher transaction fees for deposits to your Pinnacle account.
  • Each Pinnacle customer receives one free withdrawal per calendar month.
  • Additional withdrawals during that month will incur a fee.

Pinnacle makes every effort to ensure our payment processing rules strike a balance between being fair to our customers and free of fees, while also enabling us to keep offering the best value odds online. Whenever possible we absorb transaction fees; however, failure to meet our deposit rollover threshold (three times deposit amount) will incur a 10% processing fee on the withdrawal amount (minimum fee: $20 USD or equivalent), plus any applicable withdrawal fee. Please note that we reserve the right to reject withdrawals if the rollover requirement is not completed.

Important Information

  • You may withdraw via any qualifying method for your account currency.

Making a Deposit

  1. Log into your Pinnacle account.
  2. Go to the Cashier section and click on the CashtoCode eVoucher icon in the deposit section.
  3. Enter the amount of your CashtoCode eVoucher and click "Submit".
  4. Enter the 20 character CashtoCode eVoucher code to complete the deposit.
  5. If your deposit is successful, the funds will be added to your Pinnacle account instantly.

About CashtoCode eVoucher

CashtoCode eVoucher is a convenient payment alternative that gives users the ability to pay discreetly and securely online on hundreds of websites. A CashtoCode eVoucher is a 20 digit ePIN that users can easily buy online and then use to deposit at Pinnacle instantly. You can buy a CashtoCode eVoucher online at several authorised websites including, or Your ePIN will be sent to you immediately! Simply buy your CashtoCode eVoucher and then return to deposit into our Pinnacle account instantly!

Also note that the eVoucher code can only be redeemed one time, so make sure you use it for the full amount in one go.

For further information and to see a list of websites where you can buy your CashtoCode eVoucher please visit