Aug 8, 2019
Aug 8, 2019

Origins in Teamfight Tactics

What is Teamfight Tactics (TFT)?

How do Origins work in Teamfight Tactics?

The best Origins in TFT

What are the Origins in TFT?

Origins in Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics has an extensive Origin system which gives players the ability to create their own unique strategies while playing the game. In this article we discuss the origins in Teamfight Tactics. Read on to find out more.

What is Teamfight Tactics?

Teamfight Tactics, also known as ‘TFT’, is an autobattler game that pits eight players in a Round Robin format on a chess-inspired board.

Players are given a set amount of gold at the beginning of the game to buy an initial set of champions, and as the game progresses players that successfully defeat opponents and survive will earn a gold income, which will enable them to enhance their lineup of champions. The goal of the game is to deplete the health points (HP) of the seven other opponents by drafting a champion lineup that will survive the Round Robin.

How do Origins work in Teamfight Tactics?

In Teamfight Tactics, champions are given two unique traits that unlock potential buffs and enhancements when paired with champions sharing the same traits, in TFT they are known as Classes and Origins.

Looking for the Classes in Teamfight Tactics? Here is our article on the Classes in Teamfight Tactics.

The Origin system is based on where in Runeterra a champion comes from and provides half of the potential strategy a player can use when playing TFT. Generally, the buffs unlocked when there are Origin synergies on the board tend to enhance the amount of damage dealt by your champion lineup.



An origin that is commonly used by beginners in TFT is Noble. Deploying three Nobles grants one random ally champion +100 armour and +35HP on-attack healing and is common due to the low champion cost for Fiora, Garen, Vayne and Lucian.

Building a champion lineup consisting of Nobles provides players with a strong early-game strategy, however, players will experience diminishing returns on the effectiveness of the origin as it becomes difficult to upgrade the star levels of lower cost champions the further a player survives.



On the opposite end of the spectrum, the Imperial origin would be considered suitable for a late-game strategy. The Imperial origin consists of Darius, Katarina, Draven and Swain.

Having two Imperial champions on the board will grant double damage to one Imperial champion and having all four Imperials will grant double damage to all of them. The trade-off for having such a strong enhancement is the increased gold cost and rarity of the Imperial champions.

What are the best origins in Teamfight Tactics (Patch 9.14)

Making an informed decision on what the best origins are in TFT is difficult especially when the core game mechanic revolves around elements of randomness. As mentioned previously, each origin will unlock a unique set of enhancements, however, some of origins will provide more advantages over others.

Here’s the top three origins in TFT as of Patch 9.14:



Early on in the meta game for TFT, the Glacial origin has proven itself as one of the most effective origins for players to incorporate into their strategy. Glacial champions benefit from a percentage chance on-hit to stun their target when there are 2 (25%) / 4 (35%) / 6 (45%) Glacials on the board.

The origin itself benefits from having one of the largest champion pools sharing the trait with six champions and a relatively balanced champion cost which results in the availability to buy a Glacial in the early-game all the way to the late-game.



Whilst not popular at first, the Demon origin has seen a rise in popularity due to the ability to suppress the enemy lineup. There are seven champions with the Demon origin and these are: Varus, Elise, Morgana, Evelynn, Aatrox, Brand and Swain.

Demons have a percentage chance on hit to burn all of the target’s mana when there are 2 (30%) / 4 (50%) / 6 (70%) champions on the board.



The Pirate origin receives a new champion and buff in Patch 9.14. Currently Graves, Pyke, Gangplank and Miss Fortune make up the Pirate champion pool with Twisted Fate joining the lineup in 9.14.

Having synergies in the Pirate origin grants the opportunity for players to earn an additional 4 gold in a PVP round so long as there are three Pirates on the board. This unlocked trait is particularly powerful in TFT due to the importance of building a strong gold economy in the game and will enable players to buy more champions and level up faster.

What are the Origins in Teamfight Tactics?

In total there are thirteen origins in TFT and so far we’ve taken a look at five of them.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the remaining eight origins in the game.



Two champions share the Dragon origin in patch 9.14, Aurelion Sol and Shyvana. If both are on the board they become immune to ability damage. This origin can be strong against champion lineups that rely heavily on utilising abilities to be effective and when paired with items like Phantom Dancer can make the champions difficult to kill.



Yasuo is the sole champion with the Exile origin. Having Yasuo on the board with no adjacent champions to him will grant him a shield equal to 100% of his HP. Yasuo is considered one of the most powerful champions at the first star-level due to the effectiveness of his knock-up ability.



Blitz is the sole champion with the Robot origin and is granted full mana when placed on the board. His ability allows him to pull the enemy champion that is furthest away from him to a tile next to him, this ability is effective at picking out damage dealers that are commonly placed at the back of the board.



There are four champions with the Ninja origin and these are Shen, Zed, Kennen and Akali. Having exactly one Ninja on the board will grant that champion +40% attack damage while exactly 4 Ninjas on the board will grant +60% attack damage to all Ninjas. This origin is particularly interesting for strategies that involve Zed and Akali because both are part of the Assassin class.



The current roster of Phantom champions are Mordekaiser, Kindred and Karthus. When there are two Phantom champions on the board, a curse is placed on a random enemy setting their HP to 100 at the beginning of the round.

There have been mixed thoughts on this origin in the current meta game because of the limited champion pool available alongside high champion costs.



Warwick, Ahri, Nidalee, Rengar and Gnar make up the Wild origin. When there are two Wild champions on the board, each Wild unit is given one stack of fury on-hit (granting 8% attack speed) up to a stack of 5.

At four Wild champions, your entire champion lineup is granted the same bonus. Building a strategy around the Wild origin primarily benefits champions that rely on being able to auto-attack to deal damage and synergises well with items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade.



There are four champions with the Void origin, these are Kha’Zix, Kassadin, Rek’Sai and Cho’Gath. At three Void champions on the board, your team’s basic attacks ignore 50% of an enemies armour.

Considered one of the most powerful origins in the TFT, Voids can greatly amplify the damage dealt by on-hit champions and provides a strong springboard for strategies that want to dominate the early-game.



Tristana, Lulu, Poppy, Veigar, Kennen and Gnar are the Yordles hailing from Bandle City. Yordles have a percentage chance for attacks against them to miss, with three Yordles on the board having a 20% chance and six Yordles having a 50% chance. The origin itself is probably one of the least effective picks for Patch 9.14 despite the high chance of finding a Yordle in the store.

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Kristian Medina
Kristian is an SEO Content Strategist and Esports writer. He's the go-to guy when it comes to VALORANT.
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